

Jean-Baptiste consists of a group of young men who meet regularly for prayers and dialogues. It also organizes social, spiritual and entertainment activities for its members. John The Baptizer is the role model of this group; “the voice of one crying in the wilderness” (Mark 1:3). He is an example of Courage, Sacrifice and Repentance. Their spirituality follows the teachings of the Church and combines the following acts: 1- Blessing our Mother Mary through praying the Rosary daily. 2- Devoting oneself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and commitment to the Carmel gown. 3- Adherence to the teachings of the Church and participation in the Holy Mass – in the Lord’s Grace. 4- Confessions (at least once per month). 5- Participating in the group’s activities, especially its weekly prayers. 6- Fasting and physical sacrifices in the intention of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the world. 7- Achieving apostolic works directed to Youth, especially those who are far from God. Prayers follow certain intentions such as the salvation of souls, those in Purgatory, the protection of the youth, peace, … as well as personal intentions. Activities can be indoors; lectures, documentaries, movies, spiritual topics, evangelical nights, testimonies; or outdoors such as camps, physical activities (hiking, tiro…), & spiritual visits (Qannoubine Valley, Mar Charbel…).

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